Friday, January 18, 2008

Mr. Bush's Hair

Since I cannot listen to the President without having my blood pressure rise, I concentrated on his hair color during today's economic press statement. (It seems he wants to give us money to spend so the economy will receive a shot in the arm. Sorry, W, but my economic incentive $$$ will go into my travel savings account.) Anyway, in looking at his gray hair I wonder if he uses a gray rinse in it. It seems to have an all over same color....almost with a blue-ish gray color. He obviously has not received his mother's gray hair color. And one would think with all his money, GWB could afford a decent stylist who could give him a good hair color.

I could not find a photo of the blue-ish gray hair but did fine two that show his progression into graydom plus a photo of the beautiful Barbara Bush silver.

Photos show how Presidents' gray over the course of their residence at the White House. I wish I thought Mr. Bush's graying was due to his hard work at the job.

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